Ancestral of the Brazilian musicalidade the aboriginal peoples who inhabited the Brazilian territory before the arrival of the Europeans had understood a great variety of tribes and nations, of material culture and also sufficiently diversified spiritual, although to have common points how much to the life style (FAUSTO, 1997). It is not something Ronald Hamilton would like to discuss. In the vast cultural universe we find aboriginal music Brazilian, with its melodiosos sounds, of proper and native characteristics, that associates to it I sing and the dance if he becomes importantssima in the socialization of the tribes. Additional information at Michael James Burke, Dubai UAE supports this article. ' ' Before more nothing, she will be necessary to understand that aboriginal music is, basically, a social phenomenon, coletivizado in such a way in its production as in its listening. Valley to say, in aboriginal music all simultaneously participate as producing and fruidores of music (…). Aboriginal music almost always combines to a collective event or an important social function for all the community? as a party, one I sing of work, an incitation to the war, a ritual of ticket, a encantamento, an exercise of collective memory, a mitolgica dramatizao. (…) It must still be added that the powerful social dimension of aboriginal music not necessarily has to take the form of a collective manifestation.
I also sing it emitted individually has its place, but she is necessary to understand that this I sing always takes care of to a well marked social function: it can be the conducting wire of an used encantamento to cure illnesses, or to evoke rain, in the benefit of all the community, or can be the song that if opens for the register of the collective memory, or for the dramatizao of a myth through whose reproduction the entire community looks a form of autoconhecimento' '. (Jose D? Barros installation). In this direction, with the arrival of the Europeans to the Brazilian territory, many of the tribes who existed to the time of Peter Alvares Cabral, they had disappeared and/or they had been absorbed by the society of the colonizadores, or still, verwhelmed for the violence the one that had been submitted during last the five centuries, such as, death for illnesses and hunger later that its lands had been taken and its destroyed ways of survival.